Ecotourism Hotel
(+30) 2810812096
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web: http://www.ecotourismgreece.com
Traditional Accommodation Facilities
Rural Tourism & Agrotourism union of Crete
Avdou, Heraklion, Crete
(+30) 2897051080 / 79
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Furnished Apartments Hotel
Traditional Guesthouse-Hotel (type:furnished aps)
Category 2**
Tzermiado,Oropedio Lasithiou
Siganos Ioannis
Site http://www.argoulias.gr
Villa Malla
Traditional Settlement
Malles Ierapetras
Site http://www.villamala.gr
Aspros Potamos
Traditional Houses-Guesthouse
Aspros Potamos,Makrigialos Ierapetras
Traditional Guesthouses & Residences
Agios Konstadinos,Oropedio Lasithiou
(Giorgos Vidalis)
Num.(+30)2844031983, (+30)6974469594
Aliki Dialina,+30 6977248456
Krissa Geitonia & Air & Idor
Sfaka Siteias
Num. +302843029040
Ecological Traditional Park-Hotel (type:furnished aps)
Category 4****
Oropedio Lasithiou, Perioxi Agiou Georgiou
Perisinakis Mixail
Num. (+30)2844089101
Site http://www.lasinthos.gr/gr/index.html
Monastiraki Village
Moinastiraki Paxias Ammou
Num.(+30)6976445460, (+30)6972552325
Site http://www.monastirakivillage.gr/index.html
Koutsounari traditional cottages
Traditional Hotel (type furnished aps)
Category A'
Koutsounari Ierapetras
Mantala Dora
Num. 2842061291
Site http://www.traditionalcottages.gr/page.php?id=1&cat=1&cat2=0&lang=1
Anatoli Ierapetras
Traditional Cottage
Category B'
Makris Konstadinos
Num. 2106464589
Site http://www.crete-countryhouses.com/gr/default.aspx
Anatoli Ierapetras
Traditional Cottage
Category B'
Siganos Ioannis
Num. 2842041720
Anatoli Ierapetras
Traditional Cottage
Category A'
Mparitantonaki Aggeliki
Num. 2842041133
Site http://www.diktynna.gr/
Traditional Cottage
Category A'
Toplou Palaikastro
Petrakis Ioannis
Num. 2843061546
Site http://www.palaikastro.com/metohivai/acommodation/indexgr.html
Traditional Cottage
Category B'
Perikleos 14, Neapoli
Xristosoulaki-Skarvelaki Kalliopi
tel: 2810221737
Villa Eleftherna
furnished residences
Eleytherna D. ethimnou Kritis
Katsama Manolia
tel: 2831025818, 6947804377
Site www.eleftherna.gr | e-mail:
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Stratos Villas
Rental Rooms Category 2**
Kalonixtis D. N. Foka Rethimnou Kritis
Kapetanaki Evaggelia
tel: 2831026956
Site www.stratosvillas.com |
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furnished residences
Rousospiti, Rethimnou Kritis
Astrinakis Nikolaos
tel: 2831057010, 6977278146
Site www.thimonies.gr, www.cretevilla.gr |
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Hotel (type:furnished aps)
Melissourgaki D. Geropotamou, Rethimnou Kritis
Paragioudakis Manolis
tel: 2831091198, 6946986467
Site www.kamelis-apartments.com
furnished mansions
Arxaia Eleytherna, Rethimnou Kritis
Zaxarioudaki Aikaterini
tel: 6937254857, fax. 2831027216
Site www.rethymnoholidays.gr |
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Anemos & Thimari
Rental Rooms Category 3 keys(***)
Leukogia D. Foinika,Rethimnou Kritis
Tsiatsikas Thiseas
tel: 2831024736
Site www.plakias-villas.gr |
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Cretan Exclusive Villas
furnished residences
Agia Triada D. Arkadiou Rethimnou Kritis
Xliaoutakis Manolis
tel: 2831057610, 2831027507
Site www.οdeontravel.gr |
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Rental Rooms
Category 2 keys (**)
Triopetra Akoumion
Pavlakis Georgios
tel: 6977077808
Villa Anastasia
Rental Rooms Category 1 key
Prines Rethimnou Kritis
Mpempi Anastasia
tel: /fax. 2831032268, 6947307530
Site www.villa-anastasia-crete.com |
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Island Nature Club
furnished residences-mansions
Garazo Kouloukonas
Roukounis Giorgos
tel: 28314041336, 6932537040
Polithalpi Villa
Tourist furnished mansions
Agios Mamas D Geropotamou Rethimnou Kritis
Sarris Mixalis
tel:/fax 2834091135, 6973052541
Site www.sarris-villa.gr | sarrism.otenet.gr
Traditional Cottage Category B'
Argiroupoli D. Lappaion Rethimnou Kritis
Papatzanis Ioannis
tel: 2831028979, 81361, 6977697343
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Site: www.greekhotel.com/crete/rethimno/argiroupoli/enatha/home.htm
Rental Rooms
Category 3 keys (***)
Romanias dimitrios
Num. 2831081149, 6944747272
Rental Rooms Category 2 keys (**)
Eleutherna Arkadiou
Nikoloudakis Xristos
tel: 2834092280, 6947062978
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Ktima Dalampelos
Hotel (type: classic- Category 3 stars )
Petrodaskalakis Vasilis
tel: 2834022155, 22515, fax: 2834022514
Site www.dalabelos.gr | e-mail:
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Villa Aphrodite & Villa Artemis
furnished residences
Prine, Nikiforos Fokas
Sofoulakis Dimitrios
tel/fax: 2831031028
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Rental Rooms
Category 2 keys
Evaggelos Zografakis
tel:283108126, Fax: 2831081191
Site www.ezografakis.gr | e-mail:
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Elia House
Rental Rooms Category 3 keys
Loutra Arkadiou
Kallergis Konstadinos
tel: 2831026281
Site www.holiday-greece.gr | e-mail:
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Villa Paladio
Traditional Hotel furnished aps Category B'
Xromonastiri Rethimnou
Kostaki Aggeliki
tel: 2831051471, 6973382972
Site www.villa-palladio.com | e-mail: info@villa -palladio.com
Villa Bianca
furnished residences
Sfakaki Arkadiou
Giatakis Georgios
tel: 2831022478
Site www.villabianca.rethymnon.com | e-mail:
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furnished residences
Aksos, Kouloukonas
Mania Maria
tel: 2834061760, 61859, 6977017057
Site www.yakinthos.gr | e-mail:
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Gerolakos Villes
Tourist furnished residences
Stavromenos Rethimnou
Ploutinakis Eleutherios
tel: 2831071420, 6972899260
Site: www.gerolakos-villas.com
furnished residences
Prines Rethimnou Kritis
Georgalis Ioannis
tel:/ fax: 2831051700
Site: http://www.housezambia.com/| e-mail:
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House of greek goods
Daskalantonakis Nikos
tel:/fax: 2831072129
Site: www.grecotel.com/crete/agreco | e-mail:
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To spiti ton Kouriton
Traditional Cottage
Tzanakiana Margarites, Geropotamou
Friganaki Anastasia
tel: /fax: 2831055828, 6945722052
Site: www.kouritonhouse.gr | e-mail:
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Aloni Villes
furnished residences
Rousospiti, Rethimnou
Milonas Georgios & Satvros
tel: 2831023752
Site: www.aloni-villas.com Email:
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Villas Elisabeth
furnished residences
Perama N. Geropotamou
Psoma Maria
tel: 2834022400
Site: www.villa-elisabeth.gr | e-mail: www.villa-elisabeth.gr
Villa Elotia
furnished residences
Atsipopoulo Rethimnou
Kanakaki Maria
tel: 6976173442, Fax: 2831032915
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Site: www.forest.gr
Dimitrios Villas
furnished residences
Vlixada Geropotamou
Tsagkarakis Mixalis
Num. 2834094450
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Irini Apartments
furnished residences
Piteris Mixalis
tel: 2834092494, 6974213333
Site: www.irini-apartments.com | e-mail:
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Rental Rooms
Category 2 keys
Plakias Souda
Tiraki Rodamnia
tel: 2832032094
Site: www.elgini.gr | e-mail:
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Hotel type furnished aps,
Category 2 stars
Selli Rethimnou
Pagoni Sofia
tel: 2831024540
Villa Panorama
Rental Rooms
Category 2 keys
Agia Paraskevi Lampi
Kalonomos konstadinos
tel:. 2108049602, 6974339609
Site: www.villapanorama-crete.gr | e-mail:
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Villa Elena
furnished residences
Viran Episkopi
Paterakis Konstadinos
tel: 2834093290
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Villa Magda
Tourist furnished residences
Arxaia Eleutherna
Stavrakakis Manolis
tel: 6974720091
Site: www.villamagda.gr | e-mail:
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Prinos Resort
Tourist furnished residences
Prinos Arkadiou
Kokkinos Ioannis
tel: 2831072414, 6948608791
Site: www.prinosresort.gr
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Rental Rooms
Thronos, Sivritou
Papoutsakis Georgios
tel: 2833022760, 6973889036
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Traditional Cottage
Category B'
Eleutherna Arkadiou
Nikoloudakis Mixalis
tel: 6972584860
Site: www.villa-petrino.gr |
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Anemos Villas
furnished residences
Rodakino Rethimnou
Galanakis Giannis
Num. 2831054260, 54311, 6937173853
Site: www.anemos-villas.com | e-mail:
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hotel type furnished aps
Category 3 stars
Aksos Milopotamou
Papadakis Ioannis
tel: 2834061611, 61818, fax: 2834061050
Site: www.enagron.gr | e-mail:
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Villa Radamanthis
furnished residences
Atsipopoulo Rethimnou
Kanakakis Evaggelos
tel: 6976173442, fax: 2831032915
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Site: www.forest-villas.gr
Municipality of Mylopotamos
74052 Rethymnon
Crete, Greece
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visit us www.melidonixvillage.com